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Shooting Range at OPFOB

VALOR Event 10-11 DEC 2022

Who: VALOR Foundation, Young Men / Old Men

What: Shooting range opportunity with overnight campout

When: 0900 10DEC - 1200 11DEC

Where: 328 Lakeview Drive, Ridgeland SC 29936

Why: Opportunity for experienced shooters to impart skillset to younger men. Campfire setting aimed at sharing firearm safety/combat/hunting/martial conflict stories from first hand life experiences of old men. Physical events intended to challenge and encourage both young and old.

Sequence of Events (SOE):


9AM - Coffee at OPFOB, early check-in, sign venue waiver.

10AM-12PM - Camp setup, weapon prep, access to bunkhouse.

NOON - MEET at Barn, time for packed lunch , firearm safety, range coordinating instructions.

1PM - Range time. Target practice. Tactical shooting opportunity. Movement to contact obstacle course followed by shoot for score.

3PM - Camp setup / ARMY NAVY Football

5PM - Dinner

7PM - Campfire


8AM - Physical activity

9AM - Breakfast

12PM - Closeout / Depart

Coordinating Instructions:

-Take liberty to attend ANY portion of the VALOR event depending on personal schedules. If you plan to shoot, please ensure to make the range brief.

-Bring your own firearms and ammunition. If you have need, there will be additional weapons available upon request. TBD on shooting opportunity Sunday AM.

-Bathroom, running water, indoor heated sleeping space (as needed) will be accessbile from range and campsite.

- If anyone has extra seats OR in-need of CARPOOL option, please inform me of travel timeline OR address of pickup.

Gear List:


Warm weather sleeping system

Weapons/ Ammo / Hearing protection / Safety Glasses(Optional) / Gloves

Outdoor clothing, long pants. Old shoes/ light boots for physical activity

Light source



Meal Plan:

Bring packed lunch to eat during range time on the 10th.

Main course dinner and breakfast will be provided and prepared at campsite, if you would like to contribute let me know. Hot dogs and Italian sausage planned for dinner. Bacon and eggs for breakfast.

I look forward to connecting at OPFOB. Please send any questions/responses.


Thayer Paxton


Range shooting opportunity at Operation Patriots FOB, @ Legacy Oaks Preserve 328 Lakeview Drive Ridgeland, SC 29936. Firearms instruction and shooting on Saturday followed by campfire and overnight camping on-site.

For information on the venue and mission of OPFOB.

October 29

Serving Opportunity

January 14

Paintball Competition