F-14 and F-4 Crash sites near the Copper Mountains
Valor camped in the beautiful Copper Mountains and investigated the desert F-14 and F-4 crash sites.
Valor goes to Mexico to construct a Sand Volleyball Court
Valor goes to Mexico and builds a sand volleyball court with men and young men from four local churches.
Valor hikes up Pilot’s Knob
LtCol Jimmy “Scooby” Braudt shares his story with Valor at the summit of Pilot’s Knob right after sunrise!
Valor Water Day on the Colorado River!
Valor takes to the water and cools off in the Colorado River near Squaw Lake!
Valor helps TRC take shingles off the roof.
Valor helps take shingles off the roof of The Rock Church.
Telegraph Pass Hike in the early morning to see the sunrise!
Telegraph Pass Hike in the early morning to see the sunrise!
Valor Campout and Biathlon!
After a litter pick-up, Valor breaks into three different age divisions to conduct a kayak and mountain bike race at Senator’s Wash! Later in the evening, Thayer Paxton (USMC LtCol Res.), father of four, F-35 pilot, UPS pilot, and slated to command VMFA-112 Cowboys shares with Valor.
Valor Gleaning
Valor went out to Jake Dunn’s fields and gleaned some broccoli and romaine lettuce. Led by Filiberto and Juan, they loaded 65 boxes, which equaled 2186 pounds of produce!
Valor joins with TRC to serve in Mexico!
Valor joins with youth from The Rock Church and The Church in Mexico to help construct an enclosure for a donated washer and dryer.
Signal Peak Campout
Men of Valor camp out and hike Signal Peak, the highest point in Yuma County!
Survival Campout at Combat Village
Valor goes to Combat Village to hear from Marine F-35 pilot “Champ” Guyette on his recent training experience simulating three days in the desert after ejection.
Also hear from USAF SERE Instructors Matt Mete and Darren Tobyansen teach survival techniques.
Valor Airsoft at Yuma Airsoft!
Valor goes to Yuma Airsoft to participate in a great morning of shooting and dodging airsoft bullets.
Valor Water Day at Squaw Lake
Young men of Valor enjoy the water from the Colorado River near Yuma!
Valor goes spear-fishing
Valor takes the hunt underwater to go spear-fishing on the back-side of Senator’s Wash!
Trap shooting with men from The Rock Church
Valor joins men from The Rock Church (TRC) Yuma to sharpen their shooting skills at moving targets through the air!